Mary Shelley was a fascinating and enigmatic person. Best known as the author of Frankenstein, Shelley was the only child of two authors and the wife of a controversial poet. Partly as the result of this, she viewed the world from a unique perspective which influenced her process and the subject matter of her work. In addition to a compelling personal story, Shelley’s work raises questions that are, if anything, more pertinent today than they were in her lifetime. Shelley’s science fiction is nearly reality today and prompts important ethical questions: What is a scientist’s responsibility toward his/her creation? What is society’s responsibility to monitor or manage a scientist’s inventions? What happens when an abandoned creation turns into a monster? When does society have the right to step in? Author and actress Susan Marie Frontczak will present her one-woman living history play on Shelley and lead a special talk-back on the Ethics of Scientific Invention following the performance.
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Mary Shelley – A Living History starring Susan Marie Frontczak